Figure 2.
Local drug efficacy can be limited by drug penetration and retention. (A) Enface microscopy of stent-based delivery of fluorescent mirrors stet geometry. (B) Maximal drug deposition occurs immediately beneath the strut though distal recirculation zones can also deposit high drug concentrations as evidence by fibrin deposition 28 days post implantation of Paclitaxel-eluting stents. (C) Uniform endovascular drug delivery only saturates the artery wall after sufficiently prolonged exposures. Thus, while the a 15-min luminal exposure to paclitaxel results in an intimal drug concentration >10-fold higher than in the lunminal infusate, the arterial media is devoid of drug. (D) Fractional drug retention by pre-saturated arteries scales with the tissue’s binding capacity for the drug (D). (A) Reproduced with permission from(32), (B) from(33) and (C) from(34). (D) adapted with permission from(8).