Responses to the critical, Semantics (red hues) and Syntax (blue hues), conditions in spherical ROIs defined around the peak coordinates reported by Dapretto & Bookheimer. (A) Spheres with a 10mm radius. (B) Spheres with a 5mm radius. Results are shown for all trials in each condition (left), or broken down by construction, i.e., only trials based on the Active / Passive (Act / Pass) alternation (middle), or only trials based on the Double Object / Prepositional Object (DO / PO) alternation (right). In each panel, the left pair of bars shows data for a sphere around Dapretto & Bookheimer’s peak for the Semantics > Syntax contrast, and the right pair shows data for a sphere around Dapretto & Bookheimer’s peak for the Syntax > Semantics contrast. Significant differences between conditions are marked with two stars for one-tailed tests, and a single star for two-tailed tests (p<0.05, uncorrected). Conventions are the same as in Figure 2.