Fig. 4.
Ttractography maps of a healthy control overlaid in colour onto the axial MNI T1W template at the levels of the CR (top row, left), CM (top row, right), PLICs (middle row, left), PLICi (middle row, right), AC (bottom row, left) and PC (bottom row, right). The colours encode the following different fascicles: pink = foot, yellow = hand, green = lips and purple = tongue. At the level of the CR (top row, left), the foot fascicle is located in the posterior region of the two hemispheres, with the hand and lip fascicles located anterolaterally. In the right hemisphere, the lip and tongue fascicles overlap, while in the left hemisphere, the tongue fascicles are at a more inferior level. At the CM level (top row, right), the hand fascicles are anterolateral to the foot fascicles in both hemispheres. The lip fascicles are located anterior to the hand fascicles. The tongue fascicle overlaps with the lip fascicle on the right hemisphere and is anterior to the lip fascicle (with some degree of overlap) on the left hemisphere. The somatotopic organization of these fascicles continues to be preserved with the same arrangement along the longitudinal axis of the PLIC at the levels of the PLICs (middle row, left) and PLICi (middle row, right), with some degree of overlap between the fascicles. At the level of the AC (bottom left), the foot fascicles are located posteriorly, followed anteriorly by the hand; lip and tongue fascicles overlap in the right hemisphere, and to a lesser degree in the left hemisphere. The 3D reconstructions represent the same tracts.