Figure 1.
The Microarray Analysis Results Showed the Close Relationship between ANXA3 and the Development of IA
(A) Heatmap analysis of IA-associated gene expression microarray data. The horizontal coordinate represents the sample number, and the vertical coordinate represents the gene name. The upper blue-red bar represents sample type: blue indicates normal control samples, whereas red indicates IA samples. The left tree map represents the cluster analysis of gene expression. The upper right histogram color indicates the level of expression: red indicates high expression value, whereas blue indicates low expression value. The left dendrogram represents the clustering results among genes; each square indicates the expression of a gene in a sample. (B) The biological process enrichment analysis of DEGs. The horizontal coordinate represents GeneRatio, and the vertical coordinate represents BP items. The size of circles refers to the gene quantity included in BP items, and a bigger circle indicates more genes. The color showed Qvalue of the item: red indicates low Qvalue, and green indicates high Qvalue. The left Count and Qvalue are legends. (C) Link analysis between the top five genes with the most differential expression and IA, proliferation, and apoptosis. The red pane refers to disease name and development keywords, whereas the blue pane refers to gene names. The lines between panes indicate the relationship between two elements, and the number indicates the closeness degree. The lines with different color indicate different relationships: green indicates stimulatory relationship, red indicates inhibitory relationship, yellow indicates both stimulatory and inhibitory, whereas gray indicates neither stimulatory nor inhibitory. ANXA3, Annexin A3; BP, biological process; DEG, differentially expressed gene; IA, intracranial aneurysm.