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. 2019 Jun 11;12(6):778–782. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.778-782


The signalment, tumor types, organs affected, and symptoms of tumors affecting the reproductive organs in goats.

Reference Tumor type Organ(s) Signalment Symptoms
Whitney et al. [3] Leiomyosarcoma Uterus 12-year-old Saanen doe Vaginal bleeding
Uterus 13-year-old Saanen goat pseudopregnancy
Kawashima et al. [10] Adenocarcinoma Uterus 11-year-old doe Weight loss
Lohr [11] Leiomyoma Uterus Diverse breeds with the majority dwarf, Nubian, and Saanen goats Median age 3.1 years NS
Squamous cell carcinoma Vagina
Adenocarcinoma Cervix
Leiomyofibroma Vagina
Pfisterl et al. [12] Leiomyoma Uterus 6-year-old dwarf doe Pollakisurie Hydro pyometra
Dockweiler et al. [13] Adenocarcinoma Uterus Mixed breed doe Vaginal discharge
Leiomyosarcoma Uterus
Uzal and Puschner [14] Leiomyoma Cervix 17-year-old Toggenburg doe Severe hemorrhage and death
Ferrer et al. [8] Adenoma Bartholin’s gland 7-year-old Saanen doe Enlarged vulva
Beena et al. [15] Adenocarcinoma Thecoma Ovary NS NS
Stern et al. [16] Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma Ovary 3.5-year-old Boer doe Abdominal distension

NS=Not specified