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Table1 Meanmeasurements and ranges (in mm) for distinct sets of specimens of Neusticomys;specimen QCAZ 7830 is the holotype of N.vossi sp.nov.

N.monticolus N.monticolus N.monticolus Antiquia N.vossi sp.nov. ♀ N.vossi sp.nov. ♂ QCAZ7830
TL 216.56(196–287) 226.44(187–313) 206.8(191–217) 199.5(188–211) 205.57(193–221) 211
HBL 115.67(95–195) 122.88(96–211) 106.8(100–112) 102.82(97–110.99) 105.17(101–108) 110.99
LT 100.89(90–109) 103.56(87–114) 100(91–105) 101.25(96–108) 99(92–108) 108
HFC 25.56(25–26) 26.25(24–36) 24.8(24–26) 26(25–27) 25.43(24–27) 27
EC 10(6–12) 10.25(8–14) 11(11–11) 10.25(8–13) 9.86(9–11) 13
CIL 24.36(23.1–25) 24.96(24.2–25.8) 23.75(22.7–24.9) 23.7(23.2–25.01) 24.13(23.4–24.9) 25.01
LD 6.01(5.5–6.2) 6.09(5.4–6.6) 5.76(5.5–6.1) 5.66(5.34–6.1) 6.04(5.7–6.4) 6.1
LM 4.16(4–4.91) 4.07(3.9–4.4) 4.06(3.9–4.1) 4.12(4–4.2) 4.09(4–4.3) 4.17
LIF 4.74(4.3–5.9) 4.69(4.4–5.06) 4.46(4.2–4.7) 4.39(4.11–4.7) 4.86(4.7–5.2) 4.45
BIT 1.44(1.3–1.75) 1.44(1.3–1.6) 1.42(1.4–1.5) 1.28(1.1–1.47) 1.27(1.2–1.4) 1.47
BIF 2.11(1.9–2.4) 2.09(1.9–2.3) 2.16(2.1–2.2) 1.99(1.97–2) 2.15(2–2.3) 1.99
BPB 2.93(2.7–3.1) 2.96(2.7–3.4) 2.88(2.5–3.3) 2.87(2.7–3.14) 2.85(2.6–3.1) 3.14
LN 9.65(8.6–11.24) 9.48(8.5–10.2) 9.74(9.2–10.7) 9.1(8.81–9.5) 9.46(8.9–10.1) 8.89
BN 2.89(2.6–3.2) 2.99(2.7–3.2) 2.94(2.7–3.1) 2.37(2.27–2.52) 2.7(2.5–3) 2.52
LIB 4.81(4.6–5) 4.85(4.6–5.2) 4.84(4.6–5.1) 4.59(4.5–4.67) 4.61(4.4–4.9) 4.57
ZB 12.83(12.2–13.3) 13.16(12.3–13.4) 12.1(12.1–12.1) 12.03(11.73–12.49) 12.54(11.9–13) 12.49
BB 12.13(11.8–12.3) 12.16(11.7–12.5) 11.38(11.2–11.5) 11.73(11.52–11.91) 12.13(11.9–12.5) 11.91
BZP 1.31(1–2.06) 1.14(1–1.3) 1.02(0.9–1.1) 1.17(1.1–1.25) 1.13(1.1–1.3) 1.25
BM1 1.45(1.4–1.57) 1.44(1.3–1.5) 1.44(1.3–1.6) 1.22(1.01–1.4) 1.38(1.3–1.5) 1.16
HI 4.3(2.36–4.9) 4.68(4.1–5.2) 4.36(4–4.7) 3.77(3.03–4.3) 4.49(4.2–5) 3.03
DI 1.33(1–1.5) 1.42(1.3–1.5) 1.42(1.4–1.5) 1.21(1.2–1.23) 1.3(1.2–1.4) 1.23
BOC 7.09(6.7–7.39) 7.04(6.6–7.5) 6.75(6.6–7) 6.65(6.47–6.8) 6.85(6.8–7) 6.63

Measurementsacronyms and definitions are found in Voss (1988)