What do you do for newborn immediately following delivery? |
Deliver the baby skin |
Dry the baby's body |
Cover the baby with dry towel |
Assess the bobby's breathing |
Clamp cord after 1 minutes |
Provide chlorhexidine gel for cord care |
Ensure baby is kept warm (skin) |
Initiate breastfeeding |
Apply tetracycline eye ointment once (with 60 minutes) |
Give vitamin K (after 60 minutes) |
Weigh the baby (after 90 minutes) |
Give BCG |
Give polio 0 |
Cord should remain dry |
Apply chlorhexidine for cord care for 7 days |
Give sponge baths until cord falls off |
How would you diagnosis birth asphyxia? |
Depressed/no breathing |
Floppiness |
Heart rate below 100 beats per minute |
Cyanosis |
What do you do after asphyxiated baby? |
Call for help |
Explain to mother condition of baby |
Place the newborn face up |
Wrap or cover baby, except for face and upper portion of chest |
Position baby's head so neck is slightly extended |
Clear secretions if seen |
Start ventilation |
What are the signs of critical illness for a newborn baby that need referral? |
Lethargic |
Comatose |
Seizure |
Unable to feed |
Weak or absent cry |
Excessive cry |
Cyanosis |
Bulging fontanel |
Persistent jaundice |
Respiratory distress |