Figure 7.
Distribution of fluorescent tonoplast, MVB and cytoplasmic marker proteins in the presence of membrane patches created by expression of tagRFP-SAUL1(ARM7−11) in N. benthamiana leaf cortical cells. (A) Distinct tonoplast- and MVB-associated patches revealed by co-expression of YFP- or GFP-fused Hrs-2xFYVE, ARA6, AtDMP1 or AtTPK1 with tagRFP-SAUL1(ARM7−11). Examples of tonoplast- and MVB-associated patches are highlighted with open and filled arrows, respectively. Similarly, punctae associating with the tonoplast or MVBs, are highlighted by dotted and solid arrows, respectively. (B) Distribution of cytoplasmic GFP co-expressed with tagRFP-SAUL1(ARM7−11). Examples of tonoplast-associated patches from which GFP has been excluded are highlighted with open arrows while MVB-associated patches from which GFP has not been excluded are highlighted with filled arrows. All scale bars are representing 10 μm.