Fig. 3. Plk4 directly interacts with Cep131.
a HEK293T cells co-expressing Myc-Plk4 and GFP-Cep131 were immunoprecipitated using Myc-magnetic beads, and the protein levels were observed by immunoblotting. b Endogenous Plk4 extracted from U2OS cells was immunoprecipitated by anti-Plk4, and total and pulled down proteins were observed by immunoblotting. c Bacterially generated GST-Plk4-WT or KD were incubated with His-Cep131 (1-911 aa) and pulled down using GSH-agarose. d, e HEK293T cells co-expressing Myc-Plk4 and HA-Cep131 deletions, including #mut2, #mut2+3, and #mut3, as illustrated in e, were immunoprecipitated, and protein levels were observed. f Alignment of amino acids from 513–542 in human Cep131 corresponded to several other species. Plk4-binding motif (PBM) is highlighted in red. Asterisk, fully conserved residue; colon, conserved residue; period, semi-conserved residue. A Coomassie (CBB) staining use as a loading control in b–d