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. 2019 Jul 23;10:755. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00755

Table 11.

Linear regression of repeated measure (MMRM) analysis of secondary endpoints: Cpk analysis of absolute variation in serum levels (T24wk-baseline/baseline), 6MWT analysis of ΔT24wk-baseline meters walked, and performance scale analysis of ΔT24wk-baseline score.

Patients (N=) 5 7 9 6
Mean baseline 1051.00 ± 693.17 2402.29 ± 1146.79 627.00 ± 185.03 639.36 ± 642.84
Mean T 24wk (N=) 1199.40 ± 500.82 (5) 1320.71 ± 711.07 (7) 423.71 ± 206.05 (7) 397.97 ± 214.12 (5)
coefficient + SEM −0.634 0.161 −0.022 0.289
P-value 95% CI 0.003* −0.99 ± -0.270 0.94 −0.665 ± 0.621
6MWT (m)
Patients (N=) Np Np 7 4
Mean baseline Np Np 313.57 ± 214.19 568.25 ± 130.76
Mean T 24 wk (N) Np Np 306.71 ± 180.96 591.5 ± 102.18
coefficient + SEM Np Np 78.04 30.54
P-value 95% CI Np Np 0.033* 7.61 ± 148.47
Patients (N=) 5 7 7 5
Mean baseline 6.2 ± 9.60 2.85 ± 4.33 24.71 ± 7.52 28.2 ± 10.82
Mean T 24 wk (N) 2.6 ± 3.71 3.28 ± 4.85 23.82 ± 7.11 26.8 ± 13.55
coefficient + SEM 2.54 1.41 −1 4.95E-16
P-value 95% CI 0.105 −0.655 ± 5.72 9.06E-135 −1 ±−1
Patients (N=) 5 7 7 5
Mean baseline 13.8 ± 12.27 15 ± 13.03 33.71 ± 2.36 28.6 ± 11.12
Mean T 24 wk (N) 9.8 ± 9.09 14 ± 11.07 34 ± 1.63 30.6 ± 7.46
coefficient + SEM 3.51 4.47 −0.51 1.75
P-value 95% CI 0.453 −6.600 ± 13.61 0.779 −4.452 ± 3.44
Patients (N=) 5 7 7 5
Mean baseline 16.6 ± 6.8 17 ± 3.91 28 ± 2.08 27.2 ± 4.65
Mean T 24 wk (N) 18 ± 7.31 15.85 ± 5.89 28.42 ± 1.39 28.2 ± 3.03
coefficient + SEM −2.553 2.243 0.281 0.330
P-value 95% CI 0.285 −7.62 ± 2.52 0.417 −0.465 ± 1.027

statistically significant.

CI, Confidence Interval. coefficient + SEM, Regression coefficient + Standard Error of the Mean.