Figure 7.
In vitro infections with transgenic trypomastigotes with pTcINDEX–GFP or pTcINDEX–TcUBP1–GFP. A, representative photographs of infected cells with induced (+Doxy) or not induced (−Doxy) trypomastigotes obtained from epimastigotes transfected with each construction. DAPI staining (in blue), TcUBP1 expression (anti-RRM signal, in red), and GFP expression (in green). Doxy, doxycycline. B, percentage of infected cells with cell-derived trypomastigotes transfected with GFP or TcUBP1–GFP with (+Doxy) or without (−Doxy) induction of protein expression with doxycycline. The values are expressed as the means of three independent experiments with the corresponding standard deviation bars. The individual data points are shown by filled circles (+Doxy) and diamonds (−Doxy). Student's t test, two tailed. **, p < 0.05.