Fig. 7.
Cerebral blood flow in brain, grey matter in lobes, and basal ganglia and thalami on day 4 of life for subjects with normal MRI (n = 9) vs. abnormal MRI (n = 8) and on day 11 of life for subjects with normal MRI (n = 13) vs. abnormal MRI (n = 7). Box-and-whisker plots show the lower and upper quartiles (box edges), medians (line in boxes) and minimum/maximum values (lines at ends of whiskers). Differences between infants with vs. without injury on MRI were significant (asterisk) on DOL 4 in the BGT (p = .0269) and in the cortical GM (p = .0433) [Mann-Whitney test for independent samples]. A = Abnormal MRI; BGT = Basal Ganglia and Thalami; CBF = Cerebral Blood Flow; DOL4 = day 4 of life; DOL11 = day 11 of life; Cortical GM = Grey matter in lobes; N = Normal MRI; ROI = Region Of Interest.