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. 2019 Jul 29;20:167. doi: 10.1186/s12931-019-1126-7

Table 1.

Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics (safety population)

320/18/9.6 μg
(N = 194)
320/9.6 μg
(N = 88)
18/9.6 μg
(N = 174)
Age, years (mean [SD]) 62.6 (7.9) 64.0 (7.2) 62.4 (7.8)
Male, n (%) 102 (52.6) 53 (60.2) 87 (50.0)
Race, n (%)
 White 179 (92.3) 79 (89.8) 156 (89.7)
 Black 13 (6.7) 9 (10.2) 17 (9.8)
 Other 2 (1.0) 0 1 (0.6)
Ethnicity, n (%)
 Hispanic or Latino 9 (4.6) 6 (6.8) 5 (2.9)
 Not Hispanic or Latino 185 (95.4) 82 (93.2) 169 (97.1)
Body mass index, kg·m−2 (mean [SD]) 29.0 (7.4) 29.0 (5.8) 29.0 (6.5)
Current smoker, n (%) 101 (52.1) 42 (47.7) 95 (54.6)
Number of pack-years smoked# (median [range]) 45.0 (11.2–256.0) 47.3 (14.3–134.0) 50.0 (10.0–171.0)
COPD severity, n (%)
 Moderate 95 (49.0) 45 (51.1) 91 (52.3)
 Severe 86 (44.3) 37 (42.0) 65 (37.4)
 Very severe 13 (6.7) 6 (6.8) 18 (10.3)
COPD duration, years (mean [SD]) 8.6 (6.7) 9.6 (6.3) 7.7 (5.3)
Moderate/severe COPD exacerbations in the past 12 months, n (%)
 0 152 (78.4) 67 (76.1) 129 (74.1)
 1 33 (17.0) 18 (20.5) 34 (19.5)
  ≥2 9 (4.6) 3 (3.4) 11 (6.3)
Eosinophil count, cells·mm− 3 (median, [range]) 180 (10–655) 190 (15–505) 185 (40–2490)
 <150 cells·mm− 3, n (%) 68 (35.1) 32 (36.4) 54 (31.0)
 ≥150 cells·mm−3, n (%) 126 (64.9) 56 (63.6) 120 (69.0)
Use of ICS at screening, n (%) 152 (78.4) 73 (83.0) 127 (73.0)
CAT total score (mean [SD]) 21.2 (6.4)n = 192 22.3 (6.7) n = 86 20.4 (6.3) n = 172
EXACT total score (mean [SD]) 35.2 (10.8)n = 194 35.7 (10.4) n = 86 34.6 (10.6) n = 174
Rescue medication use, puffs·day− 1 (median [range]) 1.9 (0.0–12.0)n = 194 2.4 (0.0–17.7) n = 86 2.0 (0.0–18.2) n = 174

BFF Budesonide/formoterol fumarate, BGF Budesonide/glycopyrrolate/formoterol fumarate, CAT COPD Assessment Test, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, EXACT Exacerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool, GFF Glycopyrrolate/formoterol fumarate, ICS Inhaled corticosteroid, MDI Metered dose inhaler, mITT Modified intent-to-treat, SD Standard deviation. #: number of pack-years smoked = (number of cigarettes each day/20) × number of years smoked, : mITT population