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. 2009 Oct 28;29(43):13445–13453. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3194-09.2009

Table 1.

Peak coordinates of activated clusters in the fMRI experiment

Parameter/anatomical description BA MNI coordinates
Z score p value
x y z
Main parametric effects of predictability
    a. Positive covariation between individual predictability scores and responses to V stimuli
        Visual motion cortex 19 −38 −80 −6 4.18 0.000
38 −68 6 4.07 0.000
        R. superior occipital gyrus 17 16 −96 0 4.03 0.000
        L. inferior frontal gyrus (p.Orbit.) 47 −28 30 −16 4.26 0.000
    b. Negative covariation between individual predictability scores and responses to AVc stimuli
        Superior temporal sulcus 22 −58 −52 12 3.46 0.000
−52 −46 6 3.25 0.001
21 56 −40 0 3.85 0.000
        L. inferior frontal gyrus (p.Operc.) 44 −58 10 26 3.83 0.000
        L. insula −46 4 0 4.15 0.000
        Putamen −24 8 8 3.93 0.000
36 6 −4 3.55 0.000
    c. Positive covariation between individual predictability scores and responses to AVi stimuli
        L. superior temporal sulcus 22 −56 −50 6 4.00 0.000
        L. inferior frontal gyrus (p.Operc.) 44 −50 14 14 3.87 0.000
        Precentral gyrus 6 −38 −2 44 3.77 0.000
48 4 48 3.82 0.000
        R. inferior parietal lobule 40 42 −42 36 3.48 0.000
        R. cerebellum (VI) 36 −50 −28 3.84 0.000
PPI with predictability from visual motion cortex
    d. Individual increasing predictability scores
        L. auditory/rolandic operculum 43 −48 −12 16 2.60 0.01
    e. Individual decreasing predictability scores
        L. superior temporal sulcus 21 −66 −48 8 2.34 0.01
PPI with predictability from Heschl's gyrus
    f. Individual increasing predictability scores
        L. visual motion cortex 19 −36 −68 −2 2.31 0.01
    g. Individual decreasing predictability scores
        L. superior temporal sulcus 21 −48 −38 6 2.45 0.01

BA, Broadmann area; R, right hemisphere; L, left hemisphere; p.Operc., pars opercularis; p.Orbit, pars orbitalis. p thresholds (uncorrected): for a., b., and c., p < 0.001; for d., e., f., and g., p ≤ 0.01. For PPI analysis, reported are maxima appearing within a 2-cm-radius sphere surrounding the following regions of interest visual motion cortex [−38, −80, −6], Heschl's gyrus [−50, −20, 2], and the STS [−54, −50, 6].