Regenerative state of RGCs 5 d after ONC and ONC + LI in mature wild-type and CNTF-deficient mice. A, Dissociated retinal cell cultures immunostained with an antibody against βIII-tubulin, showing spontaneously regenerating RGCs after 24 h in culture. Wild-type (wt) and CNTF-deficient (cntf−/−) mice had received ONC (onc), ONC + LI (onc + li), or no treatment (con) 5 d previously. Scale bar, 50 μm. B, Quantitation of neurite outgrowth of groups in A and of CNTF/LIF double knock-out (cntf−/−/lif−/−) mice 5 d after ONC + LI, indicated as average neurite length per RGC. C, Quantitation of RGCs per well after 24 h in culture, demonstrating no significant differences between groups. Significance between groups: ***p < 0.001; ns., nonsignificant.