Figure 8.
A, Reward-related activations were found in two regions in the meta-analysis (blue squares). First, there was a relatively dorsal region of activation in the dorsal anterior cingulate sulcus and paracingulate regions in clusters 4 and 3. This is consistent with CMAr and the tissue immediately rostral to it being important for both reward and error processing in both macaques and humans (Walton et al., 2004; Kennerley et al., 2006). The second region was in the ventromedial frontal cortex and overlapped with cluster 2. The picture of reward-related activation in this region provided by the meta-analysis may be incomplete because this region has been described variously as cingulate cortex, ventromedial frontal cortex, medial frontal cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex in different published reports. An additional survey of studies investigating reward and particularly reward expectation, often using computationally derived regressors that attempt to quantify the degree of reward expectation, found a number of additional activations in the cluster 2 region (shown in yellow). B, Detail of A.