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. 2009 Jan 21;29(3):653–668. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3814-08.2009

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Visualization of WldS and variant ΔNLS WldS distribution in primary neuronal culture. A, Left, Western blot from SCG cell body/proximal neurite (“cell bodies”) and distal neurite fractions (“neurites”) showing WldS and variant WldS in neurites. Note the reduced level of variant ΔNLS WldS in cell bodies and significantly increased levels in neurites. To rule out nuclear contamination derived from glial and other cells in neurite fractions, Western blots were probed with the nuclear marker Histones H1. Right, Densitometric quantification of variant WldS protein (normalized to β-actin). Data from two independent experiments are presented as mean ± SD. B, Left, Confocal images showing cell bodies (and proximal neurites) from dissociated SCG preparations labeled with Wld18 antibody (green; Alexa488-tyramide signal amplification), neurofilament antibody (red) and DAPI (blue). Note cytoplasmic redistribution of the ΔNLS WldS protein variant relative to WldS. Right, Higher magnification confocal images demonstrating variant WldS in SCG neurites (green; Alexa488-tyramide signal amplification). C, D, High-power confocal projections demonstrating peri-nuclear variant WldS foci (green) in SCG preparation from ΔNLS WldS transgenic mouse (C) and occasional foci in proximal neurites (D, arrows). E, Confocal projection showing transfected hippocampal neuron expressing ΔNLS WldS-EGFP fusion protein. Note cytoplasmic ΔNLS WldS-EGFP foci in cell body and neurites.