Figure 4.
A, Effect of sleep on emotional memory after 6 months. Memory (R > K) by emotion (Neg > Neu) by sleep status (RS > TSD) interaction. From the left to the right are the following: superior parietal gyrus, vMPFC, amygdala, and middle occipital gyrus. Regions in red are common to the effect of emotion during encoding, and regions in blue are common to the memory by delay interaction. Graphics represent the activity estimates of recollected versus know responses (arbitrary units ± SEM). Statistical bars only demonstrated the significant differences between groups (*significant at p < 0.05). B, PPI. Regions more connected to seed areas (vMPFC and amygdala found in the previous interaction) for negative than neutral correctly recollected pictures and more so in RS than TSD group. From the left to the right are the following: precuneus, vMPFC, and bilateral fusiform gyri. Functional results are displayed on the mean structural MR image (inset, enlarged prefrontal and temporal region in a representative subject).