Figure 6.
Distribution of POA-derived interneurons in the neocortex and hippocampus of Nkx5-1-Cre;Rosa26R-YFP mice. A–A‴, Immunohistochemistry against YFP (A, A‴), GABA (A′, A‴), and NPY (A″, A‴) in the neocortex of P30 Nkx5-1-Cre;Rosa26R-YFP mice. The arrowhead points to a YFP-expressing neuron that expresses GABA but not NPY, whereas the open arrowhead indicates a YFP-expressing neuron that coexpresses GABA and NPY. B–B‴, Immunohistochemistry against YFP (B, B‴), Lhx6 (B′, B‴), and NPY (B″, B‴) in the neocortex of P30 Nkx5-1-Cre;Rosa26R-YFP mice. The arrowhead points to a YFP-expressing neuron that expresses NPY but not Lhx6, whereas the open arrowhead indicates a YFP-expressing neuron that is negative for both Lhx6 and NPY. C, Schemas depicting the distribution of YFP-expressing interneurons containing GABA (red dots) or GABA and NPY (blue dots) in the neocortex and hippocampus of a P30 Nkx5-1-Cre;Rosa26R-YFP mouse. The schematic of the sagittal view of the mouse brain indicates the approximate location of the coronal sections drawn in C (numbers 1–6). Scale bar: (in B) A–B‴, 25 μm.