Figure 4.
Nb+/GAD+ Off cell. A, Nb-labeled cell (filled arrowhead, #ABS102a) was negatively immunostained for VAChT (open arrowhead) and positively so for GAD (filled arrowhead), while located near other VAChT+ and GAD+ cells in the region (small arrows). Scale bar, 20 μm. The cell was situated in the SubLDT (largest red open triangle) (Fig. 1, A0.1). B, C, The unit discharged phasically at a moderate average rate (2.07 Hz) in association with irregular slow-wave activity on the EEG of the retrosplenial cortex (RS Cx) before stimulation (Pre). It ceased firing in association with faster cortical activity riding upon rhythmic slow (theta-like) activity during somatic stimulation. Note that the unit ceased firing following the change in EEG activity (by ∼1.31 s). After stimulation (Post), the unit recovered its baseline rate of firing in association with irregular slow-wave activity. Traces in B (enclosed by dashed lines) are expanded in C (arrows). The unit had a relatively short duration spike (shown in C, 0.35 and 0.93 ms at first and second zero crossings).