Figure 4.
a, b, Comparison of the reliability (a) and mean firing rate (b) values obtained in response to different stimulation patterns, for 50% of excitatory and inhibitory frozen neurons. Stimulation patterns are, from left to right: a “real” pattern (Real) taken from the spontaneous activity, jittered versions of this pattern (5, 15, and 25 ms of jitter; see Materials and Methods), a Poisson stimulation (SP) reproducing the rate and the synchrony level observed in the real pattern, a Poisson stimulation in which each neuron has the same mean firing rate as in the spontaneous pattern (LP), and a Poisson stimulation in which all the neurons have the same firing rate, which is the global mean firing rate of the spontaneous activity (GP). c, Same comparison for the SNR (see Materials and Methods) across all the surrogates.