Defective mediolateral retinocollicular targeting in ALCAM null mutants. A, B, DiI injections into the temporal retinal half (shown in flat mount) of WT mice at P8 labeled a single TZ in the anterior SC when analyzed at P10. C–F, DiI injections into the temporal retina of ALCAM null mice revealed eTZs displaced to lateral posterior positions in the P10 SC. Higher-magnification images of the eTZs are shown for each example. G, H, DiI injections into the nasal retina of WT mice resulted in labeling of a single TZ in the posterior SC. I, J, DiI injections into the nasal retina of ALCAM null mutant mice resulted in normal labeling of a single TZ in the posterior SC. K, L, DiI injections into the ventral retina of ALCAM null mutant mice resulted in normal labeling of a single TZ in the medial SC that was elongated in the anteroposterior axis. M, N, DiI injections into the dorsal retina of ALCAM null mutant mice resulted in normal labeling of a single TZ in the lateral SC. L, Lateral; M, medial; A, anterior; P, posterior; T, temporal; N, nasal; V, ventral; D, dorsal.