Misorientation of interstitial branches of RGC axons in ALCAM null mutants. WT and ALCAM null mutant RGC axons were labeled by DiI injection into the VT retina at P2 and analyzed at P3. A, Most branches extending from axons located lateral to the future TZ were oriented medially, as seen in a higher magnification in B (arrows) from confocal Z-stacks. C, DiI labeling of VT axons in the SC of ALCAM mutant mice showed abnormal enrichment at a lateral location, as well as at the appropriate anteromedial location. D, Many interstitial branches of mutant VT axons were abnormally oriented laterally within the SC (arrows), as shown at higher magnification of the boxed area in C. M, Medial; L, lateral; KO, knock-out.