Figure 1.
l-NAME potentiates ferret gastroesophageal vagal afferents. A–C, Stimulus–response functions of mucosal (A), tension (B), and tension/mucosal (C) receptors to mucosal stroking (A, Ci) with calibrated von Frey hairs and circumferential tension (B, Cii). The responses are before (●) and after (○) exposure to l-NAME (100 μm) and l-NAME along with l-arginine (100 μm; ■). **Significant difference from control curve using a two-way ANOVA (p < 0.01). ##Significant difference of data curve obtained in the presence of l-NAME alone from the data curve obtained in the presence of l-NAME and l-arginine using a two-way ANOVA (p < 0.01).