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. 2019 Jun 29;97(8):3313–3325. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz223

Table 4.

Effects of sow parity on pig performance and carcass characteristics1

Quadratic coefficient Linear coefficient
Item Estimate SE P-value Estimate SE P-value Optimal parity2
Body weight, kg
 Birth −0.002 0.001 0.272 0.03 0.01 0.063 NA
 Weaning −0.009 0.004 0.012 0.09 0.04 0.014 4.8
 Nursery exit −0.046 0.021 0.026 0.62 0.20 <0.01 6.8
 Finishing exit −0.068 0.057 0.231 0.30 0.54 0.583 NA
 Adjusted finishing (day 167)3 −0.362 0.080 <0.01 3.11 0.76 <0.01 4.3
Pig age, days
 Weaning 0.000 0.012 0.975 −0.04 0.12 0.716 NA
 Nursery exit 0.039 0.032 0.224 −0.14 0.31 0.659 NA
 Finishing exit 0.321 0.077 <0.01 −3.05 0.72 <0.01 4.8
 Slaughter 0.197 0.056 <0.01 −1.68 0.53 <0.01 4.3
Average daily gain, g/d
 Suckling (birth to weaning) −0.376 0.104 <0.01 4.02 1.01 <0.01 5.3
 Nursery (Weaning to day 66) −1.411 0.376 <0.01 14.63 3.61 <0.01 5.2
 Grow-Finish −2.374 0.690 <0.01 19.35 6.52 <0.01 4.1
 Overall (weaning to finish) −2.207 0.518 <0.01 18.19 4.89 <0.01 4.1
Carcass characteristics
 Hot carcass weight, kg 0.005 0.023 0.831 −0.18 0.22 0.403 NA
 Adjusted HCW (day 174)4, kg −0.136 0.040 <0.01 1.02 0.38 <0.01 3.8
 Backfat, mm −0.048 0.011 <0.01 0.45 0.11 <0.01 4.7
 Loin depth, mm 0.046 0.025 0.074 −0.61 0.24 0.012 6.7
 Lean percentage5, % 0.032 0.007 <0.01 −0.31 0.07 <0.01 4.8
 Lean growth rate, g/d −0.192 0.131 0.143 0.73 1.25 0.560 NA

1Parity and parity × parity served as covariates in the statistical model, the coefficient of parity and parity × parity are reported in the table.

2Calculated from the quadratic (a) and linear (b) coefficients: b/(-2a). (NA: there was no optimal parity when P (quadratic) > 0.10.

3Adjusted finishing (day 167) weight = Average daily gain (ADG, g/d) grow-finish × (167 d – actual age) × 1.16 + finishing BW, kg.

4Adjusted HCW (day 174) = (Hot carcass weight, HCW, kg – weaning weight × 0.7, kg)/(age at slaughter – age at weaning) × (174 d – age at slaughter) × 1.16 + HCW, kg.

5Lean percentage, % = 66.86 − 0.6549 × backfat depth (mm)+ 0.0207 × loin depth (mm).