Rapamycin enhanced early AVF remodeling to improve patency. (A) Line graph showing AVF patency rate in mice treated with control, early vs late rapamycin. Control vs early rapamycin: P = 0.0591 (Log-rank); control vs late rapamycin: P = 0.812 (Log-rank); n = 5–6 in each group. (B) Representative photomicrographs showing AVF thickness in mice treated with control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin (day 42). Arrowheads denote wall thickness. (C) Bar graph showing AVF wall thickness in after control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin treatment (Day 42); p < 0.0001 (ANOVA); control vs early rapamycin: p < 0.0001 (ANOVA); n = 5. (D) Line graph showing relative AVF diameter in mice treated with control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin, normalized to day 0; p = 0.6767 (ANOVA); n = 5–6. (E) Photomicrographs of representative IF of α-actin+ (top row) and CD68+ cells (bottom row) in control, early or late rapamycin treated AVF (day 42). (F) Bar graphs quantifying number of α-actin+ and CD68+ cells in AVF after control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin treatment; α-actin: p < 0.0001 (ANOVA); *p < 0.0001, control vs early rapamycin; CD68: p = 0.0813 (ANOVA); day 42. n = 4–5. (G) Photomicrographs of representative dual IF of a-actin (green) and p-Akt1 (red, first row) or p-mTORC1 (red, second row) in AVF after control, early or late rapamycin treatment (day 42). (H) Bar graphs showing quantification of dual IF in AVF after control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin treatment (day 42); p-Akt1-α-actin: p = 0.6067 (ANOVA); p-mTORC1-α-actin: *p = 0.0003 (ANOVA); control vs late rapamycin: p = 0.009; n = 5. (I) Photomicrographs of representative dual IF for CD68 (green) and p-Akt1 (red) or p-mTORC1 (red) in AVF after control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin treatment (day 42). (J) Bar graphs showing quantification of dual IF in AVF after control, early rapamycin or late rapamycin treatment (Day 42). p-Akt1-CD68: p = 0.4474 (ANOVA); p-mTORC1-CD68: p = 0.181 (ANOVA); n = 5.