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. 2019 Jul 30;9:11027. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47299-x

Table 1.

Species/genus identifications of the 15 bone artefacts for each of the ZooMS methods tested, and subsequent DNA identifications.

Sample Artefact Type Original Bag Forced Bag Eraser Destructive DNA
DR-21s Bevelled conical point Bear N/T Probable bear Bear U. Americanus
DR-491s Bevelled conical point Probable bear Probable bear Probable bear Bear N/T
DR-894s Bevelled conical point X N/T Human Human H. sapiens
DR-1044s1 Pendant N/T N/T X N/T N/T
DR-1130s Harpoon X X


(possible Cat/Bear)

Bear N/T
DR-1454s Point Probable Bovid/Cervid Probable Bovid/Cervid Probable Bovid/Cervid White-tailed deer N/T
DR-1466s Point or awl Probable Bovid/Cervid Probable Bovid/Cervid Probable Bovid/Cervid White-tailed deer N/T
DR-1588s Point or awl X Probable Bovid/Cervid Probable Bovid/Cervid White-tailed deer N/T
DR-1662s Bevelled conical point Probable Bear N/T Bear Bear U. Americanus
DR-1797s Harpoon X Human Human N/T H. sapiens
DR-1926s Bevelled conical point X Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora N/T
DR-2271s2 Harpoon X N/T X N/T N/T
DR-5448s2 Bevelled conical point X N/T X N/T N/T
MC-398s Point X Human X Human Fail
BgFo-18 Bevelled conical point X X Carnivora Bear N/T
Control bag N/A X X N/A N/A N/T

Note: X indicates no identification could be made; N/T indicates the method was not tested on the arfefact; N/A indicates not applicable to the method. 1 - tooth pendant; 2 - burnt samples.