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. 2019 Jul 30;20:619. doi: 10.1186/s12864-019-5974-9

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Base differences between neonatal and adult sham groups. a, Volcano plot. The horizontal axis represents the log2 fold-change in gene expression levels in the P7 sham group compared to those in the 8 W sham group, whereas the vertical axis represents the −log10 adjusted P value. Points outside the range are plotted on the edge of the graph in triangles. Genes for which the adjusted P was < 0.05 (Wald test) are indicated in red. b-e, Comparison of gene expression levels measured by RNA-seq (b, d) and qRT-PCR (c, e). The expression levels of topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha (Top2a; b, c) or complement component 3 (C3; d, e) are shown. Vertical axes represent the normalized read counts (b, d) or the relative expression levels normalized to those of the geometric mean of Gapdh and Rps18, setting the value in the P7 sham group as 1 (c, e). Mean ± S.E.M.; n = 3 (b, d) or 5–6 (c, e). * adjusted P < 0.05, Wald test (b, d) or P < 0.05, Tukey’s HSD test (c, e). f, g, Pathway analyses. KEGG pathways significantly upregulated in the P7 sham group compared to those in the 8 W sham group (f) or those downregulated (g) are shown. Pathways for which the adjusted P was < 0.05 (two-sample t-test; g) are shown. For (f), the top 10 pathways among 58 significantly different pathways are shown and a complete list is presented in Additional file 4