Figure 6.
Effects of PolyP on the AMPA- and NMDA-induced calcium signals. A, The 20 μm NMDA-induced calcium signal in cortical neurons (fura-2 ratio). B, Preapplication of short PolyP (20 μm) had no significant effect on NMDA-induced increase in the fura-2 ratio. C, D, Effect of AMPA (20 μm) on [Ca2+]c of cortical neurons (C) can be reduced by pretreatment of cells with 20 μm S-PolyP (D). E, F, J, P2 antagonist suramin (20 μm; E, J) or P2Y1 blocker MRS2179 (50 μm; F) completely abolished the effect of S-PolyP on the AMPA-induced calcium signal. G, H, Agonist of P2 receptor ATP-induced calcium rise in astrocytes did change neuronal [Ca2+]c in response to 20 μm AMPA significantly when applied at 10 μm (H), but not at 100 μm (G) concentration. I, A more specific agonist of the P2Y1, P2Y12, and P2Y13 receptor 2MeSADP, at 1 μm, mimicked the effect of S-PolyP on the AMPA receptors. J, Summary of the effects of P2 agonists and antagonists on the S-PolyP effect on the AMPA-induced calcium signal. ***p < 0.0001.