Target predominance index predicts animal performance by paradigm type and session-by-session. A, A close correlation (r2 = 0.699, p < 10−9) is observed between median hemisphere Tidx and median performance of each paradigm type: the stronger the A1 population response to the target relative to the distractor, the better the animals are at discriminating and localizing the target stimulus. Each data point plots the median Tidx of all responsive channels in a given implanted array versus median animal performance in all sessions of a given paradigm type recorded with that array (8T4D, squares; 16T8D, circles; with different greyscale shades corresponding to the different adaptation conditions). B, The same relationship holds for single-session performance in each rat. Repeated measures correlation analysis reveals a strong positive within-subject association between median hemisphere single-session Tidx and individual session performance (rrm = 0.68; 0.60–0.75 CI95; p < 10−26). All paradigm types are included for each rat. Regression lines show the intrasubject association between Tidx and performance that all subjects share (a common regression slope).