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. 2019 Jul-Aug;29(4):248–253. doi: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_159_18

Table 1.

Values of iron status markers in Group 1 (IDA cases/controls), Group 2 (s. ferritin <100 µg/L), and Group 3 (s. ferritin >100µg/L) cases

Iron status markers Group 1 (100 cases)
Group 2 (27 cases)
Group 3 (41 cases)
Mean±Std. Deviation Range Mean±Std. Deviation Range Mean±Std. Deviation Range
Hb (gm/dl) 8.26±0.68 4.10 (5.90-10.00) 9.63±1.62 6 (6-12) 8.98±1.43 5.1 (6.2-11.30)
S Iron (µg/dl) 91.74±10.86 46 (67-113) 40.6±16.28 58 (16-74) 53.68±29.62 123 (18-141)
TIBC (µg/dl) 416.86±35.47 188 (304-492) 403.14±34.61 132 (306-438) 399.39±27.25 114 (324-438)
Per_SAT (%) 22.17±2.28 22.3 (13.6-35.9) 10.34±4.94 18.6 (3.6-22.2) 13.91±8.66 37.24 (4.10-41.34)
Ferritin (µg/l) 11.34±3.88 16.0 (4.0-20.0) 28.70±26.59 93.02 (2.72-95.73) 281.81±142.39 605.95 (105.8-711.75)
Log_ferritin 1.03±0.155 0.7 (0.64-1.34) 1.29±0.40 1.55 (0.43-1.96) 2.4±0.21 0.83 (2.02-2.85)
sTfR (µg/ml) 2.34±0.55 3 (1.0-4.0) 1.82±0.68 2.55 (0.45-3.0) 1.28±0.5 1.81 (0.35-2.16)
sTfR/log_f 2.40±0 0.81 4.38 (0.9-5.28) 1.68±1.133 5.12 (0.23-5.35) 0.53±0.21 0.83 (0.17-1.00)

S Iron: Serum iron concentration, TIBC: Total iron binding capacity, per_SAT: Percentage saturation, log_ferritin-log arithmic value of serum ferritin level, sTfR: Serum transferrin levels, and sTfR/log_f: Ratio of sTfR to log ferritin