Analysis of mitochondrial gene atp6 in reportedly OP cultivars of B. vulgaris that were found to harbor BevuMV1 strains that unexpectedly map to the compact cluster of viruses with Owen CMS mitochondria. (A) Diagram of the atp6 region of both wild-type (non-Owen) and Owen mitochondrial genomes, modified from Satoh et al. (2004). ORFs of the atp6, orf114c, and tatC genes are shown as boxes. The ORF of Owen atp6 (i.e., Satp6) is substantially extended relative to that of wild type. Gray shading indicates regions conserved between the two genomes; the darker gray region is conserved elsewhere in the Owen genome. Arrows indicate approximate positions of PCR primers, yielding the amplicon of indicated length. (B) Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR amplicons as diagrammed in A and further described in the text. BG, Burpee’s Golden; RQ, Ruby Queen; Taun, Taunus; see text and tables for other abbreviations.