Figure 6. Simultaneous activation of PVN CRF neurons reduces the food preference and food-induced conditioned place preference.
(a) Schematic of food-induced RTPP paradigm with optogenetic activation. Closed-loop light stimulation at 473nm was delivered in the food-paired chamber, but not in the object-paired chamber, on conditioning days. (b) Representative locomotor traces from PVN-CRFChR2 (upper) and PVN-CRFeYFP (lower) mice that were given food with simultaneous photostimulation before and after conditioning (upper) and after each day of conditioning (bottom). (c) Normalized place preference index (%) for the food/photostimulation-paired side: average preference indices of PVN-CRFChR2 (blue) and control PVN-CRFeYFP (grey) mice. (d) Raw place preference indices (%) of PVN-CRFChR2 mice (N=12, blue) and PVN-CRFeYFP mice (N=9, grey) before and after conditioning. (e-h) Time spent in eating normalized to time spent in the food-paired chamber (%) (e), the number of eating bouts (f), the cumulative bouts on day 2 (g), and the duration of each eating bout (h) of PVN-CRFChR2 mice (N=12, blue) and control PVN-CRFeYFP (N=9, grey) mice. *p<0.05. **p<0.01. ***p<0.001. ****p<0.0001. Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m.