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. 2019 Jul 31;9:11129. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47560-3

Table 3.

Univariate and multivariate overall survival analysis in 170 patients with invasive vulvar cancer.

Parameter univariate multivariate
3-ys OS p-value Comparison HR 95%-CI p-value
Serum Creatinine <0.001 2.6 1.3–5.3 0.006
   ≤1.20 74.8%
   >1.20 32.5%
Serum Creatinine 0.01
FIGO tumor stage <0.001 I vs. II vs. III vs. IV 1.8 1.40–2.30 <0.001
   FIGO I 82.1%
   FIGO II 59.9%
   FIGO III 50.4%
   FIGO IV 52.7%
Age <0.001 >vs. ≤ 66.5 years 2.9 1.6–5.2 <0.001
   ≤67.7 82.3%
   >67.7 59.9%
Grading 0.64
   G1 78.2%
   G2/G3 67.5%
Nodal involvement <0.001
   N0 81.7%
   N1 51.7%

FIGO International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetrics, OS disease specific survival, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval.

Nodal involvement was not included into the multivariate model, since the nodal status is a crucial part of FIGO stage.