Figure 1.
Mn-dependent transcriptome-wide association study and molecular functional classification. (A) Molecular functional classification of the 488 discriminatory transcripts by PANTHER database is represented as a pie chart with 42% of the transcripts representing binding function; 28%, catalytic activity; and 9%, transcriptional regulator activity. The rest of the clusters constitute ≤6% of the transcripts in each category. (B) The heatmap shows unsupervised clustering of samples (columns) and transcripts (rows), clustered into two major groups representing physiologic and toxic cellular Mn concentration. The clustering is marked by a vertical dotted line. Three hundred eighteen transcripts decreased and 170 transcripts increased with increasing Mn cellular accumulation, which is depicted by the horizontal dotted line. Blue: represents decrease and red: represents increase in transcript expression with increase in cellular Mn. Details on the 488 discriminatory transcripts are provided in the Supplementary Table S1 . (n = 3 per treatment group, P < 0.05).