Figure 6.
Stereoview of the UDP-sugar binding site in GalEs. Superimposition of bGalE + UDP-GlcNAc (cyan, blue, and yellow for protein, UDP-sugar, and NAD+) and other GalE enzymes (magenta, pink, and orange for protein, UDP-sugar, and NAD+) are shown. (A) hGalE + UDP-GlcNAc (PDB ID: 1HZJ chain B), (B) eGalE + UDP-Glc (PDB ID: 1XEL), (C) tGalE + UDP-4fGal (PDB ID: 2CNB chain A), (D) WbpP + UDP-GlcNAc (PDB ID: 1SB8), and (E) a homology model of BLLJ_1592.