Figure 2. Deletion of Ctsk in osteocytes decreases perilacunar remodeling during lactation.
(A) Representative BSEM images (original magnification, ×500) of the femur diaphysis of virgin and lactating Ctskfl/fl and Ctskocy mice (n = 5–7 per group). (B) Measurements of the single osteocyte lacunar area and perimeter in virgin and lactating Ctskfl/fl (black dots and squares, respectively) and Ctskocy (red dots and squares, respectively) mice. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n = 5–7 per group). †P < 0.05 versus virgin Ctskfl/fl mice; ‡P < 0.05 versus virgin Ctskocy mice; and #P < 0.05 versus lactating Ctskfl/fl mice; 2-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s PLSD. (C) Representative images of silver nitrate staining showing osteocyte canalicular networking in cortical bone from virgin and lactating Ctskfl/fl and Ctskocy mice (n = 3 per group). Scale bars: 20 μm.