Figure 1. Stages of the experimental design. (A-B) The first stage covered the evaluation of stability of the hydrodynamic diameter [(HD(t)] and of the potential transformation of magnetic into thermal energy of the SPIONs coated by aminosilane (SPIONsAmin), obtaining the specific absorption rates (SAR) relative to the oscillation frequency (Freq) and intensity of the magnetic field (B). (C) In the second stage, the in vitro studies analyzed the viability of C6 cells with and without the magnetic hyperthermia application, as well as in the presence and absence of SPIONsAmin. (D) In the third stage, the glioblastoma tumor was induced (intracerebral application of 106 C6 cells through stereotaxis), (E) for posterior application of magnetic hyperthermia 21 days after tumor induction, and evaluation of the efficacy of the therapy with the bioluminescence technique (before and after MHT).
T: temperature; t: time: min: minutes; B: magnetic filed intensity; Amin: aminosilane; BLM: bioluminescence.