Fig. 2.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) surveillance results. ( A ) Aggregate results from four different searches of the Duke University Hospital (DUH)/Duke Regional Hospital (DRH) electronic medical record (EMR). Search 1: patients identified by location-restricted, monthly electronic searches of the Decision Support Repository (DSR) (white) with additional unique patients identified by manual review of DUH radiology reports (dots). Search 2: patients identified by a location-restricted, 2-year comprehensive electronic search of the DSR (diagonal lines) with additional patients identified by Search 1. Search 3: patients identified by a location-restricted, second 2-year comprehensive electronic search of the DSR (small bricks) with additional patients identified by Searches 1 and 2. Search 4: patients identified by a location-unrestricted, 2-year comprehensive search of the DSR with manual review of addresses and zip codes (gray) with additional patients identified by Searches 1, 2, and 3. The numbers at the top of each column represents the total number of unique patients identified by each strategy combined with unique patients from the previous results. Panel B includes a distribution of patients identified by all of the strategies employed as part of this study. The “Duke University Health System (DUHS) EMR search” represents the patients identified by the location unrestricted, 2-year comprehensive search. The column identifies the subsets of patients identified by: (1) the DUHS EMR using location-restricted strategies and manual review of records ( n = 9); (2) the autopsy reports ( n = 13); and (3) the Durham Veterans' Administration Medical Center (DURHAM VAMC) search ( n = 28).