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. 2004 Apr 19;2004(2):CD004050. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004050.pub2

Holsboer 1994.

Methods Allocation: randomized, 'randomly assigned to three treatment modalities'. 
 Blinding: double blind, 'raters blind to treatment modality'. 
 Duration: 6 weeks (light treatment 4 weeks).
Participants Diagnosis: Major depressive disorder. First episode (N = 12), recurrent (N = 23), bipolar (N=6), dysthymia (N = 1). DSM‐III‐R. 
 Inclusion criteria: HDRS (17‐item) 18 or more. 
 Exclusion criteria: medical illness, hormone replacement therapy. 
 N = 42. 
 Age: mean 52.1 years. 
 Sex: F 20, M 22. 
 History: duration of illness mean 7.7 years. 
 Setting: inpatients.
Interventions 1. Bright light (5000 lux 5.30‐7.30 PM for 2 hours) + trimipramine. N = 14. 
 2. LPSD + trimipramine. N = 14. 
 3. Trimipramine. N = 14. 
 Device: light box.
Outcomes Clinical improvement (50% reduction HDRS). 
 Mental state (HDRS, MADRS, D‐S, VAS). 
 Adverse effects (FSUCL). 
 Physiological monitoring (ECG, lab, neuroendocrinological measurements).
Notes Light adjunct to pharmacotherapy. 
 Only interventions 1. and 3. compared.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear