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. 2004 Apr 19;2004(2):CD004050. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004050.pub2

Moffit 1993.

Methods Allocation: randomized, 'sealed envelopes', 'block of 4', 'stratified on severity of depression'. 
 Blinding: single blind, 'patients blind'. 
 Duration: 10 days.
Participants Diagnosis: Depression. RDC. 
 Inclusion criteria: 50 years or older, needing care for medical and/or psychiatric conditions. 
 Exclusion criteria: severe visual impairment, history of ocular photosensitivity, red‐green color blindness, organic aggressive syndrome, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, MMSE 15 or less. N = 20. 
 Age: mean 73.9 years. 
 Sex: not known. 
 Setting: nursing home patients.
Interventions 1. Bright light (2500 lux 10‐12 AM for 2 hours). N = 10. 
 2. Dim red light (50 lux 10‐12 AM for 2 hours). N = 10. 
 Ddevice: Light box.
Outcomes Mental state (GDS).
Unable to use ‐ 
 Cognitive function (MMSE ‐ no SD available).
Notes Light only. 
 Pharmacotherapy unchanged.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate