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. 2004 Apr 19;2004(2):CD004050. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004050.pub2

Colombo 2000.

Methods Allocation: randomized. 
 Blinding: single blind, 'raters could not keep themselves blind due to patients' questions'. 
 Duration: 7 days (TSD treatments in 3 nights, each separated by recovery night sleep, light at 3 AM during the TSD night and in the morning of the recovery night).
Participants Diagnosis: Depressive episode. Bipolar disorder (N = 115). DSM‐IV. 
 Inclusion criteria: HDRS (21‐item) more than 18. Absence of following conditions: other Axis I diagnosis, mental retardation on Axis II, pregnancy, history of epilepsy, major medical and neurological disorders, history of drug or alcohol dependency or abuse within the last 6 months. 
 Exclusion criteria: long‐acting neuroleptic drugs in the last 6 months before admission, neuroleptics or irreversible MAOIs in the previous month. 
 N = 115 (108 completers). 
 Age: mean 45.8 years (completers). 
 Sex: 72 F, 36 M. 
 History: duration of illness mean 16.2 years (completers). 
 Setting: inpatients.
Interventions 1. Bright white light (2500 lux in the morning for 60 minutes) + TSD + lithium. N = 17. 
 2. Bright white light (2500 lux in the morning for 60 minutes) + TSD. N = 23. 
 3. Red light (150 lux in the morning for 60 minutes) + TSD + lithium. N = 14. 
 4. Red light (150 lux in the morning for 60 minutes) + TSD. N = 19. 
 5. No additional light (ambient light 80 lux) + TSD + lithium. N = 15. 
 6. No additional light (ambient 80 lux) + TSD. N = 20. 
 Device: not stated.
Outcomes Mental state (VAS). 
 Physiological monitoring (ECG, lab).
Notes Light adjunct to either TSD plus pharmacotherapy or TSD alone. 
 Stabilizing medication, if any, kept constant. 
 Only interventions with light (1.‐4.) included in the meta‐analysis.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear