(A) Location map of the Taimyr Peninsula and the Severnaya Zemlya islands. The St. Anna, Voronin and Vilkitsky troughs at the Kara Sea shelf break are marked by blue arrows. (B) Ice-marginal complexes (zones; IMZ) on the Taimyr Peninsula, named according to Kind and Leonov [3], but drawn from Landsat image interpretation by Möller et al. [4] : U = Urdakh, Sa = Sampesa, K = Severokokorsky, J = Jangoda, S = Syntabul, M = Mokoritto, UT = Upper Taimyra and B = Baikuronyora ice marginal zones (IMZ). NTZ = North Taimyr ice marginal zone according to Alexanderson et al. [5]. Lines marked P south and west of the Urdakh IMZ are piedmont glacier moraines, deposited by ice from the Putorana Plateau. Yellow circles, numbered 1–15, mark the position of sites/site areas described stratigraphically in [1] and below in this paper. Small circles color-coded in green, red, purple, yellow and white (chronostratigraphic division) mark positions of stratigraphic sites described in [2]. The base map is from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) [6].