(a) Optical photograph of h-BN/CNF aerogel perfusion composite film with 23.08 wt % h-BN loading, red arrow indicated the diameter of the film was 65 mm. (b) Optical photograph of a “paper crane” folded from a h-BN/CNF aerogel perfusion composite film. (c,d) Surface SEM images of h-BN/CNF aerogel perfusion composite film and h-BN/CNF blended composite film with 23.08 wt % h-BN loading, respectively. (e,f) Cross-sectional SEM images of h-BN/CNF aerogel perfusion composite film and h-BN/CNF blended composite film with 23.08 wt % h-BN loading, respectively, red arrows were channels of CNFs and h-BN, blue rectangles were thermally conductive pathways of h-BN.