Synchronized neural network activity. (a) The cultured neuronal network (15 DIV) on an MEA chip, as imaged by dark-field microscopy. The chip has three sections—the GNR domain in the middle and the non-GNR domains on either side. Photothermally generated heat is only produced in the GNR domain. (b) The spike raster plots for all active electrodes (n = 22 for control, n = 21 for 138 mW/mm2) under NIR light stimulation with different light intensities (2 minutes of illumination followed by 2 min with the light off, repeated 5 times; the light illumination time window is indicated by color bars below each plot). (c) Average spike rate of active channels, shown according to domain and light illumination conditions (mean ± SEM). Reproduced with permission from [18]. Copyright American Chemical Society, 2018.