Effect of short-term pre-infection starvation (24 h) on MeV-mediated oncolysis in HT-29 (a,b), HCT-15 (c,d) and HCT-116 (e,f) cells. Short-term starvation and MeV infection of neoplastic HT-29, HCT-15, and HCT-116 cells (human colon carcinoma) were performed according to Figure 1a. At 96 hpi, the remaining tumor cell masses were determined by SRB assay. (a,c,e) Black bars represent MOCK-infected tumor cells (addition of Opti-MEM only, no infectious virus particles); checkered bars display tumor cells infected with MeV. Means and SEM of three or two independent experiments are shown; control: tumor cell cultures and infections performed under standard medium conditions (no starvation). (b,d,f) The impact of starvation on the virus-mediated oncolysis efficacy was evaluated by comparing the ratios of uninfected (MOCK) and virus-infected groups (VIRUS) between starving and standard medium conditions (control). Statistical analysis was performed using the Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. Each dot represents one run of the experiment; horizontal lines represent means of quotient of geometric mean (QoGM).