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. 2019 Jul 3;11(7):607. doi: 10.3390/v11070607

Table 1.

Characteristics of HIV-1 sequences and participants in each study.

Study Feature RV 217 (ECHO) CAPRISA 002
HIV-1 subtype(s) CRF01_AE (MSM); A1/D/C and Recombinants (WSM) C (WSM)
Sequencing strategy Single genome amplification and sequencing Next generation sequencing (Illumina w/PrimerID)
HIV-1 genomic region Near full length genome (NFLG) V3 variable loop of the gp120 envelope protein
Median bases per HIV-1 sequence (min, IQR, max) NFLG: 8813 (8624, 8753-8841, 8891);
LH:5057 (5027, 5051-5063, 5209);
RH:5061 (4898, 5040-5092, 5141)
498 (495, 498-498, 501)
Median HIV-1 sequences per participant after removing recombination and hypermutation (min, IQR, max) 9.5 (2.6, 8.4-10, 11)
NFLG: 10 (2, 8-10, 11)
LH: 10 (2, 8-10,10)
RH: 10 (3, 8-10, 11)
352 (26, 142.3-640, 2764)
Median HIV-1 sequences removed per participant (min, IQR, max) 0 (0, 0-1, 8)
NFLG: 0 (0, 0-1.3, 8)
LH: 0 (0, 0-0, 4)
RH: 0 (0, 0-1, 4)
0 (0, 0-1, 356)
Total number of participants 36 21
 Number of MSM 17 0
 Number of WSM 19 21
 N participants with 1-2M sample 36 20
 N participants with ~6M sample 34 18
Mean Gold days 1-2M (SD) 47 (4.3) 62 (4.9)
Mean Gold days ~6M (SD) 184 (11.3) 180 (12.1)
N Gold isMultiple 1-2M (%) 10 (28%) 5 (25%)
N Gold isMultiple ~6M (%) 10 (29%) 6 (33%)
Median bounds width in days 1-2M (min, IQR, max) 48 (20, 34-76, 308) 54 (27, 41-70, 108)
Median bounds width in days ~6M (min, IQR, max) 146 (18, 91-195, 369) 120 (30, 86-170, 183)
Mean lPVL 1-2M (SD) 4.5 (0.8) 4.9 (0.7)
Mean lPVL ~6M (SD) 4.1 (1.0) 4.5 (0.8)

Calculations reflect the evaluated dataset, after removal of sequences with evidence of hypermutation or recombination. NFLG, nearly full length genome; LH, left half genome; RH, right half genome; WSM, women who have sex with men; MSM, men who have sex with men; IQR, interquartile range; lPVL = log10 plasma viral load; SD, standard deviation; Gold = modified center of bounds (COB) timing estimate applied to previously unavailable acute tight diagnostic bounds (prior to the 1-2M sample date) and the agreed-upon gold standard is a multiple indicator, see Methods.