Volcano plot of RNA‐sequencing data obtained using GSTZ1‐1‐overexpressing (GSTZ1‐OE) Huh7 cells (fold change > 1.5 or < 0.667, FDR < 0.05, n = 512).
B, C
IGF1R mRNA (B) and protein (C) expression in GSTZ1‐OE Huh7 (left) and GSTZ1 knockout HepG2 (right) cells.
Correlation analysis of GSTZ1 and IGF1R mRNA expression was conducted using data from 363 patients with HCC included in TCGA LIHC dataset (left) and 30 cases of HCC and paired non‐tumor tissues (right).
Western blotting shows GSTZ1‐1 and IGF1Rβ expression in HCC and paired non‐tumor tissues (n = 12).
Representative images of GSTZ1‐1 and corresponding IGF1Rβ immunohistochemical labeling in HCC and paired non‐tumor tissues. Scale bars: 200 μm.
Data information: Values are shown as means ± SD (
n = 3), *
P < 0.05, ***
P < 0.001, Student's
t‐test (two groups) or one‐way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (more than two groups) (B) or Pearson r test (D). Abbreviations: p‐IGF1Rβ, phospho (Tyr1131)‐IGF1Rβ; RSEM, RNA sequencing by expectation maximization; N, non‐tumor; T, tumor.
Source data are available online for this figure.