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. 2019 Jul;14(4):514–524.

Table 2.

.Characteristics of Studies.

Author Timepoint Assessment Level of evidence Age mean ± SD (yrs) Gender Type of Intervention Rehabilitation Frequency and Duration of Int. Outcome Measure
Krych et al.22 2014 baseline, post-injection, 2 wks Case series N = 54
mean age 32.1 ± 11.9
19 m
35 f
IA Injection IA corticosteroid injections
1) methyl- prednisolone acetate
2) triamcinolone
3) betamethasone, plus local anesthetic
Pts were instructed to return to full activity as tolerated after the injection
Injection at baseline NRS
Lee et al.23 2016 baseline and 12 wks Prospective, randomized, double-blind, cross over study N = 30
mean age 37
range (24-51)
11 m
19 f
IA Injection IA injection Two types of injections:
1) steroid TA
2) HA
Injection at baseline and two wks later NRS, HOOS
Abate et al.26 2013 baseline, 6 mo, 12 mo Open prospective trial N=20
mean age 45 ± 16.9
13 m
7 f
IA Injection IA Injection high molecular weight HA Injection at baseline & 40 days after. Dosage was repeated 6 mo after. VAS, HHS
Smeatham et al.24 2016 baseline and 3 mo Parallel group, pilot RCT Routine Care:
N = 15
mean age 32.6
range (18.5-50.3)
N = 15
mean age 35.9
range (18.6-48.8)
30 m PT PT Intervention group:
Education, core stability, hip strength, ex (functional,
proprioception, spinal) stretching, MT
PT session mean 6.5 (range 1-13) over a
3 mo period
Wright et al.25 2016 baseline and 7 wks Prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial pilot study N=18
mean age 33.7 ± 9.5 range (18-55)
4 m
11 f
PT MTEX group: PT and HEP, each session had 1 MT & a minimum of 15 min of ex focused on hip & core strengthening
Both groups had HEP
MTEX group
12 sessions for 1 hr, 2x/ week for 6 weeks
Emara et al.27 2011 baseline, 6 mo, 12 mo, 18 mo, 24 mo Cohort study N=37
mean age 33 ± 5
27 m
10 f
PT 4 stages of PT:
1) education on activity avoidance & NSAIDs
(2) physiotherapy 2-3 weeks: stretching 20-30 min daily
(3) assess normal ROM of hip IR & flexion, ADL ROM modifications
(4) modify ADL predisposing FAI (avoid FADIR)
Stage 1
2 x day/ 2-4 wks
Stage 2
20-30 min sessions daily for 2-3 wks
Stage 3
2-3 wks
Stage 4
2-3 wks
Kemp et al.28 2018 baseline and 12 weeks Pilot RCT N=24 Mean age 37 ± 8 7 m
17 f
PT FAIS-specific PT group:
personalized progressive strengthening and functional retraining
Both Groups:
received manual therapy, progressive physical activity, and education
8 PT sessions over a 12 week period, and 12
weekly supervised gym visits. Participants were also asked to complete
2 additional unsupervised sessions at their convenience.

FAI(S) = Femoroacetabular Impingement (Syndrome), Tx = treatment, yrs = years, Int. = intervention, IA injection = intra-articular injection, PT = physical therapy, post-op = post-operative, pre-op = pre-operative, SD = Standard Deviation,TA = triamcinolone acetoimide, HA = hyaluronic acid, wk = week, mo = month, m = males, f = females, ex = exercise, WB = weight bearing, TTWB = Toe Touch Weight Bearing, FWBAT = full weight bearing as tolerated, WBAT = Weight Bearing as Tolerated; MRA/I = magnetic resonance arthrography/ imaging, CT = Commuted Tomography, US = Ultrasound, VAS = visual analog scale; mHHS = modified Harris Hip Score; HOOS = Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; HOS = Hip Outcome Score; NRS = Numeric Rating Scale; HHS = Harris Hip Score; NPRS = Numeric Pain Rating Scale, ORS = Oral Numeric Scale NPS = Numeric Pain Scale, MTEX = manual therapy and supervised exercise group, Ad+HEP = advice plus home exercise group, pt = Patient, HEP = Home Exercise Plan, MT = Manual Therapy, HS=Hamstrings, BL=Bilateral