Coexpression of Y2R mRNA and tdTomato mRNA in Y2R-tdTomato mouse brain. tdTomato mRNA (A) and Y2R mRNA (B) expression in the BLA. C, Merged image demonstrates complete Y2R mRNA coexpression in tdTomato cells. Arrows indicate coexpression. DAPI (blue) demarcates cell nuclei. Scale bar: C, 25 μm. D–F, Higher magnification of cells presented in A–C demonstrating the presence of Y2R mRNA (green puncta) in tdTomato mRNA-containing cells. Scale bar: F, 30 μm. tdTomato (G) and Y2R (H) gene expression in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. While many double-labeled cells are present (arrows), diffuse Y2R labeling is also present that does not associate with tdTomato signaling (I). These panels demonstrate that tdTomato-synthesizing neurons coexpress Y2R but that not all Y2R mRNA-expressing neurons coexpress tdTomato. Scale bar: I, 30 μm.